Become A Sponsor

Be part of the magic

If you or your company are interested in being a part of new holiday traditions in Downtown Tulsa, consider becoming a Downtown Days of Wonder sponsor!

Become A Sponsor
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Sponsorship Information

Downtown Days of Wonder provides unique opportunities to support wondrous holiday events, attractions, and activations through in-kind, custom, and title sponsorships. All proceeds benefit the holiday efforts of Downtown Tulsa Partnership, the urban place management organization whose mission is to create and champion a vibrant and diverse Downtown Tulsa through placemaking, advocacy, and promotion.




About Downtown Days of Wonder

Downtown Days of Wonder is a collaborative effort including numerous community efforts produced not only by Downtown Tulsa Partnership, but also by local businesses throughout Downtown.

We are excited to introduce new light displays, bring back classic holiday festivities, and inspire holiday attractions and events, many of which are free or low-cost, making them accessible to everyone.

Our Reach

Downtown Days of Wonder is marketed through DTP’s marketing channels and social media platforms, encompassing a reach that includes digital and print media, TV and radio, and banners and signage throughout Downtown Tulsa.

If you are interested in being a part of Downtown Days of Wonder’s magic through sponsorship, email us at

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

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